Halloween Golf Cart Parade

October 29, 2022
The 3rd annual Halloween Golf Cart Parade is Saturday, October 29 at 11 AM in Downtown Conway. Gather your family, friends and neighbors for a fun morning! The Halloween Golf Cart Parade will begin at the Conway Public Safety Building on 9th Avenue, then continues down 9th Avenue to Laurel Street and follows Laurel Street into Downtown Conway ending at Elm Street. Awards will be presented. Spectators are invited to view the parade along the route, but are reminded to please be mindful of private property.
Registration closes Wednesday, October 26. The 2022 event has both competitive and non-competitve categories. Competitive-We started planning for this right after last year's parade and this will be our year to bring home the prize! Non-competitive-We put some streamers and balloons on the golf cart and pulled out some old Halloween costumes. It is free to register for the parade; however, participants must register in advance so Conway Alive can appropriately prepare for the event.
2022 Parade Rules
1. Golf Carts only
2. Advance registration is required. No walk-ups
3. Line-up opens at 9:00 AM at the Conway Public Safety Building at 1600 9th Avenue.
4. No carts will be permitted to enter the line-up area after 10:15 AM.
5. Judging will begin at 10:15 AM
6. Parade will step off at 11:00 AM
7. Each entry must have a licensed driver 18 years of age or older
8. A maximum of 6 walkers are permitted for each entry. Walkers must keep speed with the entry & will be moved to the sidewalk should they fall behind the entry.
9. Participants may not exceed the recommended capacity of the cart.
10. Carts are subject to the SC Code of Law while operating outside of the parade route.
11. Only golf carts will be permitted in the line-up area. No trailer drop-offs will be permitted in the line-up area. If trailering your cart, please park your vehicle and trailer at a public parking lot in the area of Elm Street and 2nd Avenue and then drive your golf cart up Elm Street and 9th Avenue to the parade line-up area. No vehicle or trailer parking will be permitted in the area surrounding the assembly zone.
12. All participants must be in costume.
13. Golf Cart must be at least 50% decorated.
14. No political signage or political endorsements are permitted. Carts must be decorated in the spirit of the Halloween Season, family friendly and in good taste.
15. No animals are permitted to participate in the parade
16. To reduce litter in the Historic District, the throwing of candy is prohibited. Entries may toss small Halloween trinkets, beads, toys, balls and other small tokens. No wrappers.
17. Golf cart & any added structure maybe no more than 13’ for utility clearance
18. Failure to comply with the rules will result in immediate removal.
1600 9th AvenueConway, SC